I moved some of my articles from my other blog - mysteryranch.blogspot.com because Blogcatalog would not approve me without more posts. I wanted to start off with the give-away below, without any posts, but they said there was not enough content to be a "real blog". Sheesh! You should see what I've seen out there in my 'networking' lately. So.... consequently, the posts are all dated today rather than when they first came out. They are out-of-date.
One strange coicidence, however, since we are still in what is refered to as 'the shadow period' of the retrograde (and this one was a real doozy) the retrograde might be affecting us a little. I do know this, Blogger was not working for hours today and I could not view any blogs hosted by them even when on Entrecard. Blogcatalog was funky too.
To launch this blog in a spirit of generosity and gratitude, and in good faith, I am making the following offer:
To the first three people who send a comment, I will send a complimentary report called The Sky Within which is a computer-generated reading written by Steven Forrest.
He gives an interpretation of your planetary positions and aspects along with Sun sign, Moon and Ascendant.
Steven Forrest is an insightful and sensitive astrologer. He offers Astrology Retreats in Calistoga and San Diego every year. To find out more about these retreats click on the city link.
When you send your comment, you must provide your email address, your date, time and place of birth. You can stay anonymous if you want, I do not need your name.
Your comment must be complete with all the needed information, or I won't be able to create the report.
Good luck to the first three commentators!