Was just asked last night by friends how much money I make doing this and had to tell the truth. But the truth also includes my commitment to continuing because my guidance tells me it is the right thing for me to be doing. So today when I found out that I got this award from Witchy Mama, plus sold a book, plus got clicks on my ads - well, that was the response from the Universe that I needed.
Thank you so much WitchyMama!
My choices for the award are: (I wish I could give it back to WitchyMama, but I don't think that's how it works)
Herbs 'n Oils
Mermaids Treasures
My Gypsy Goods and her other blog - Alteredevents
And my cat Melody said we must include Luxor, because she just loves the White Cat.
OH my thank you ....I still havent passed on the other award you gave me yet. Havent had a chance to go thru my stuff to see who deserves it! I better get busy now that theres two! Your sweet to do this :) Hugs
Please tell Melody I say thank you so much - I was just at your cat blog reading about Melody and Grace. This is so sweet of Melody.
My mom didn't want a white cat either - she thought that was kind of boring - but when she saw my baby picture, she had to have me. Just me. Nocat else. ;-)
Congratulations on your award. i apologize for not dropping by in such a long while.
I have been battling a case pneumonia.
I also am long over do in thanking you for placing an ad with me.
I am so sorry that I never figured out the coding to thank you personally from my blog.
But a good friend of mine just helped me learn today.
And awwww...I see Lux there. Hi Lux!!
Congratulations again and I hope you have a grand week!!:-)
Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it on to me :) I also like Luxor's white cat.
Sorry I haven't been visiting much but life has been totally wacky offline for this Pisces with Aquarius rising and haven't even had the time to investigate where the planets are to see why everything is upside down lately LOL. Hopefully the rest of the year calms down and time also slows down a bit.
Thank you so much for the "I love your blog" award. I really appreciate it!
Now, I will need to make my "Love" list...
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