Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Galactic Center - Sun of our Sun

The Galactic Center, is a massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It is obscured by 'dust' and appears as if it were in fog. Radiation at every kind of frequency we can measure comes forth from it.

It is currently at 26 degrees Sagittarius. Pluto recently passed over it and being retrograde, is conjunct within a 2 degree orb.

In general, it indicates an area of life where one feels driven to act - where there is a sense of 'no choice'.

Research is now being done to learn the meaning of the GC in charts. The preliminary data indicates that the influences of close aspects are as follows:

Mercury - teachers, people in health care or food services
Venus - laziness or sensual focus on life or a talent for sales, arts or public relations
Mars - sexual or competitive drives
Jupiter - great success, travel and business
Saturn - able administrators and people dealing with depression

When I first heard of it I looked for that point in my chart. I have Jupiter conjunct the GC in the 4th house opposing Uranus in Gemini in the 10th. When Pluto passed over it the first time, I received an unexpected gift that has allowed me to follow my bliss and create my current life/work which includes travel. I will be leading a tour of Morocco next May. Leave a comment and a way to contact you if you're interested.

Where does 26 Sagittarius occur in your chart?

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